The concept of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is nascent but immensely effective. As the entire topic is new in the field of medical science, you also have a vague idea about the thing. You might have a lot of questions regarding what kind of therapy it provides. Your skin, as well as all the organs of your body, is composed of tiny units called cells. The cell has an envelope of a membrane which has both negative and positive charges. The charge balance depends on the presence of ions of sodium, calcium, or potassium.
Enhancing your ability
When a cell in your body is under stress or tension, it means you are suffering from some disease. You can also be the victim of some trauma, or there has been the entry of toxic particles in your body. Under such conditions, the ion exchange process gets hampered. So the natural balance in your body is lost. So the primary aim of the Pemf System is to restore the lost balance between the negative and positively charged ions. The ions will once more start to perform in its natural form. So it's like encouraging your body to heal naturally.
Frequencies vary
You must know that every human being has different genetic structures, different organic, and physiological processing. So whenever you apply any treatment to a person, the response can be different from that of another person. Following this theory, your body also will respond to an electromagnetic wave differently than another person. Each tissue responds differently to changed frequencies of waves. So the Electromagnetic pulse therapy involves the application of a series of different frequency waves to increase the circulation, improve mobility, and reduce the pain and inflammation of your body.